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Komodo Liveaboard

Temukan Petualangan Menyelam di Kapal liveaboard Komodo kami

Free Diving Insurance On All Trips

We partnered with DiveAssure to provide free diving accident insurance for the entirety of your liveaboard trip. Applicable to direct bookings only.

Free Dive Insurance

Temukan Pengalaman Liveaboard Komodo yang Tak Tertandingi. Memadukan pesona eksterior tradisional dengan interior yang sangat indah, Komodo Sea Dragon mengubah kemewahan di laut. Setiap kabinnya yang luas merupakan bukti keanggunan dan kenyamanan, menampilkan meja tulis, sofa, lampu baca, dan pemandangan laut yang menakjubkan. Keluarlah ke balkon pribadi Anda dengan area tempat duduk untuk hubungan akrab dengan laut.

Sea Dragon menawarkan 6 kabin, mengakomodasi total 12 penumpang, dengan fleksibilitas untuk menerima hingga 16 orang tanpa mengorbankan kenyamanan. Sofa di kabin berfungsi ganda sebagai tempat tidur ekstra, sehingga cocok untuk hunian tiga kali lipat atau masa inap keluarga. Rasakan kemewahan yang dipersonalisasi di tempat - tempat yang dirancang dengan cermat Komodo Sea Dragon adalah liveaboard terbaik di Komodo.

Penggemar menyelam akan menghargai perahu selam khusus, memastikan ketenangan di kapal utama sambil memberikan operasi menyelam yang terfokus dan efisien. Kelompok menyelam kecil dengan rasio maksimum 4 penyelam terhadap 1 pemandu menjamin petualangan bawah laut yang intim dan aman. Jelajahi seluruh Taman Nasional Komodo, termasuk tempat menyelam terkenal seperti Batu Bolong, Shotgun, Manta Alley, Crystal Rock, dan Castle Rock, dengan kebebasan dan kemewahan yang hanya dapat ditawarkan oleh Komodo Sea Dragon.

Pilih Perjalanan Pilihan Anda

Tanggal Mulai
Jadwal Perjalanan
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
Starting From
Only 1 Bintik Kiri!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
Starting From
Only 1 Bintik Kiri!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
Starting From
Only 2 Bintik Kiri!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
Starting From
Only 4 Bintik Kiri!
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
Starting From
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
Starting From
16 APR
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
Mulai dengan
Only 1 Bintik Kiri!
23 APR
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
Mulai dengan
Only 1 Bintik Kiri!
01 MEI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
Mulai dengan
Only 2 Bintik Kiri!
07 MEI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
Mulai dengan
Only 4 Bintik Kiri!
16 MEI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
6 Days/5 Nights
Mulai dengan
23 MEI
Komodo National Park (Labuan Bajo - Labuan Bajo)
8 Days/7 Nights
Mulai dengan

Termasuk Ekstra

  • VAT
  • Air Minum
  • Teh & Kopi
  • Paket Makanan Full - Board (Semua makanan)
  • Snack
  • Paket Menyelam
  • Handuk Kabin

Ekstra yang Diperlukan

National Park Fee 4D/3N - USD 120 per trip , 5D/4N - USD 150 per trip , 6D/5N - USD 180 per trip, 7D/6N - USD 210 per trip, 8D/7N - USD 240 per trip

Kelengkapan tambahan opsional

  • · Tips
  • Perlengkapan Sewa
  • Nitrox
  • Minuman Beralkohol;
  • Minuman Ringan
  • View Rental Prices

Pesan sekarang dengan Konfirmasi Instan

* Biaya tambahan ditampilkan per orang.

Fitur Umum

Hiburan Audio & Video

Kabin Berpenyejuk Udara

Kru Lokal & Internasional

Pancuran Air Hangat

Lounge Luar Ruang

Separate Public Toilet

Dek Matahari

Internet 4G Gratis Tanpa Batas

Pembilasan Kamera Terpisah

Salon AC

Kamar Mandi Dalam

Fitur Umum

Hiburan Audio & Video

Kabin Berpenyejuk Udara

Pancuran Air Hangat

Lounge Luar Ruang

Dek Matahari

Internet 4G Gratis Tanpa Batas

Salon AC

Kamar Mandi Dalam

Kru Lokal & Internasional

Separate Public Toilet

Pembilasan Kamera Terpisah


Gaya Prasmanan

Roh yang Tersedia

Masakan Barat

Anggur Tersedia

Masakan Asia

Kopi/Teh Sepanjang Hari

Bir Tersedia

Camilan Sepanjang Hari

Fitur Menyelam

Perahu Dony Lepas

Pancuran Luar Ruangan

Tangki 12L YOK/Din

Diving Towels

15L Tank YOK/Din

Penyewaan Peralatan

Adaptor Din

Grup Selam 4on1

Kabin Mewah Kami

Kabin kami dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman yang tenang dan mewah, dengan pemandangan laut yang indah dari setiap jendela. Interiornya memadukan keanggunan dengan fasilitas modern, memastikan masa inap Anda tidak hanya nyaman, tetapi juga memanjakan. Terlepas dari apakah Anda memilih kabin ganda atau kembar, Anda dijanjikan suasana kecanggihan dan ketenangan.

Kabin Ganda

Didesain elegan dengan tempat tidur king size, tempat tidur sofa convertible, dan AC. Setiap kabin memiliki kamar mandi dalam, meja tulis, lampu baca, dan balkon berperabotan, yang menawarkan kenyamanan dan kemewahan di laut lepas.

23 sqm | 2 - 3 VIP.

Kabin Kembar Utama

Dirancang untuk kenyamanan dan kemudahan, kabin Main Twin menampilkan pemandangan laut, kamar mandi dalam, dua tempat tidur twin, meja tulis, lampu baca, dan AC. Cocok untuk tamu yang mencari perjalanan laut yang nyaman dan fungsional.

18 sqm | 2 VIP.

Kabin Kembar Kedua

Mencerminkan kenyamanan dan fungsionalitas kabin kembar utama, kamar ini menawarkan kamar mandi dalam, dua tempat tidur kembar, meja tulis, dan AC. Ideal untuk tamu yang menghargai kesederhanaan dan kenyamanan dalam perjalanan laut mereka.

15 sqm | 2 VIP.

Gambar & Kapal

Peralatan Safety

Di atas Komodo Sea Dragon, keselamatan tamu dan kru kami adalah prioritas tertinggi sebagai liveaboard Komodo, jadi kami telah memasang fitur keselamatan modern yang komprehensif. Ini dipelihara secara teratur, dan staf kami terlatih dengan baik untuk menggunakannya dalam situasi darurat.

Manajemen kami melakukan pelatihan rutin dan sesi latihan untuk keadaan standar dan luar biasa seperti tetapi tidak terbatas pada: man overboard, fire onboard, penyedia O2 darurat, Pertolongan Pertama; Pertolongan Sekunder, dll.

General details

Tahun dibangun:
Terakhir Direnovasi:
35 m / 114 feet
Sinar :
8m / 26 feet
Kecepatan berlayar:
8 knot
400 PK Cummings
Tamu Maks:
Nr. Cabins:
Nr. Bathrooms:
Perahu Dony:
Kapasitas tangki air:
6 tons
Kapasitas Bahan Bakar:
5 tons
Pembuat air tawar:
6,000L / hari

Fitur Keamanan ADAS

Radar Garmin – Aqua Map 1052XS
Detektor asap
GPS Garmin 585
Alat pemadam kebakaran
Class B AIS Transponder – ICOM MA 500 TR
Selang Pemadam Kebakaran
Radio Kenwood TM-281A
Rompi Pelampung
Radio ICOM IC-M200
Cincin Kehidupan (Pelampung)
E.P.I.R.B. Sistem Distress (Posisi Darurat yang Menunjukkan Suar Radio)
Kit Oksigen
Rakit Kehidupan Darurat (2 x 16 orang)
Kotak P3K
Satelit & Ponsel
Lampu pencarian
Flare Darurat & Sinyal asap
Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS untuk setiap penyelam

Reviews (8)

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Miranda wrote on Juli 8th 2024
United Kingdom  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
Juli 01, 2024
The best diving experience of a lifetime!

The best experience of my LIFE! I did my Advanced Open Water course with Jello and had the best time. The dives were incredible, the boat was magical, the staff was above and beyond! Highly recommend this trip to families, couples or solo!!! You will feel right at home.

Accommodation :   Excellent  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Judith Furtner wrote on April 14th 2024
United Kingdom  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
April 07, 2024
Was a great week

Awesome crew, we had a great week! Only with the excursions we felt a bit rushed through. Thank you for everything!

Accommodation :   Excellent  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Great  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Fanny Sandonato wrote on April 15th 2024
Italy  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
April 07, 2024
Between excellent and good

Meals are served too quickly after the dives, we don't have time to rest or to share experience before eating. Tides are so unpredictable that the schedule changes all the time…

Accommodation :   Great  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Oliver S wrote on Maret 28th 2024
Germany  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
Maret 18, 2024
Great Diving Experience

I went on a 7 day diving trip on the Komodo Sea Dragon boat. It was a very good experience, the cabins were superb with a balcony and had plenty of space for us three. I also did my PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification while on the boat. Jello was my instructor, who really put a lot of effort in my diving experience, so I would always feel safe, even in challenging situations like drift or depth diving. He also never got tired of emphasizing the importance of diver safety and 1-on-1 diving with me. The rest of the crew were really nice as well, so we always felt welcomed and cared for. Especially Alan was always so warm and welcoming.

Accommodation :   Excellent  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Julinha21 wrote on April 1st 2024
Spain  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
Maret 18, 2024
Liveaboard Komodo Sea Dragon

Passamos uma semana no liveaboard Komodo Sea Dragon, do mesmo resort.
As instalações surpreenderam. O quarto era bem confortável, o ar condicionado funcionava muito bem, um banheiro individual para cada quarto atendia bem, e a cama era super confortável! Foram noites muuuito bem dormidas! É possível que os 2 ou 3 mergulhos diários tenham um pouco a ver com Mas uma boa cama é fundamental para sustentar todos os mergulhos maravilhosos que fizemos ao longo da semana!
Havia a possibilidade de mergulhar uma 3ª ou ainda 4ª vez no dia, no caso os mergulhos noturnos, mas nós preferimos descansar a noite
O esquema do liveaboard é muito bem organizado, com uma boa estrutura, e mergulhos bem seguros. Havia um dive master para cada 3 ou 4 pessoas, com grupos divididos de acordo com o nível e experiência de mergulhos. Um segundo barco menor acompanhava o barco principal, de onde saíamos para realizar os mergulhos.
Como a distância era bem grande para nós, que moramos no Brasil, aproveitamos a viagem para conhecer outros lugares e países ali próximos, portanto precisamos alugar quase todos os equipamentos para mergulhas.
Os equipamentos eram bons e funcionavam bem. Mas é necessário providenciarem mais wetsuits (o meu estava começando a rasgar) e coletes BCD em tamanhos menores, pois eu usei um de cada, e uma segunda pessoa que precisaria do colete também do tamanho menor, acabou tendo que usar um maior por não terem o suficiente... 
Outra observação válida seria um maior abastecimento do freezer com cervejas, pois a noite é um bom momento para relaxar e aproveitar as férias tomando uma cervejinha, e é fundamental que o estoque dure a semana inteira até a última noite.
Independente desses detalhes, super recomendo esse liveaboard! Foi uma experiência muito legal e especial, com direito a muitas mantas lindas e gigantes para nos encantar e receber!

Accommodation :   Great  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Junie H wrote on Februari 13th 2024
Indonesia  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
Februari 08, 2024
On Board on the Komodo Sea Dragon LOB

It was a wonderful week of diving at around the Komodo National Park at this time. 
Scuba Jello (Cruise Director) and the boat crew made our experience sweeter for our time there and this is not our first time diving at Komodo. 

We really wanted to dive the South of Komodo for a long time and it was made happened by Jello's team during this trip. As season divers would know, the weather during this time will be rough however we felt very safe and comfortable on board. 

As for diving, we felt very safe diving with our guide Ronnie ensuring each one of us in the group have the full experience. The "dive centre" and compressor is on another boat called the Putra Sebayur which will tail the Komodo Sea Dragon everywhere it goes. There are pros and cons to have a separate "dive centre". Pros being less noise from the compressor during refilling tanks and also less mess around. Cons being getting in and out most of the time between the main boat and the "dive boat". 
Putra Sebayur is also equipped with sun deck on the second level and toilet facilities. 
Overall, there are more pros than cons. 

We were never hungry during the trip and the food selection was pretty good. The rooms are huge and very nicely designed with ample storage and we had a good sized balcony for our relax time. What I want to applaud is the toilet in the room and also public area. Usually there will always be toilet smell lingering during our LOB experience. I am so glad time time there were no awful smell at all. 

Everyone on board was always greeting us with smiles asking if we need anything else to make our stay more perfect. Briefing of the day's itinerary was clear, concise and very on schedule. 

We would definitely return the Komodo and stay on the Komodo Sea Dragon during another diving season. To Scuba Jello's team from the Captain to the Chef, please keep up the good work!

Accommodation :   Excellent  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Jane Clarke wrote on Januari 31st 2024
United States  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
Januari 11, 2024
Amazing experience !

I had the chance to be on their liveaboard for a seven days. Amazing experience ! The whole crew was incredibly nice, helping you with whatever you needed at all times. The diving experience was amazing, we saw manta rays, sharks, turtles and so much more. The dive guides were always very careful about safety. They had also organized other activities such as short trekking to amazing viewpoints, and the view from the boat was stunning.
I would definitly recommand this liveaboard to any diver (experienced or less experienced) who whishes to spend a week around Komodo national park.

Accommodation :   Excellent  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Esme wrote on Januari 9th 2024
United States  •  Verified Guest
Trip Date
November 02, 2023
Amazing dives and amazing crew

Magical diving experience with Komodo Sea dragon. 

Our cruise director is Jello and he’s wonderful !! His English is very good so no problem communicating with him. He’s very responsive and knowledgeable.

The dive sites were also amazing and the crews were so helpful and caring, they took care of me both in the water and out of water.

It was my first liveaboard and honestly I didn’t expect it to be this comfortable. The room was so nice and well-furnished, the food was so delicious. Just wow!!

Accommodation :   Excellent  
MAKANAN & MINUMAN :   Excellent  
Excursion Experiences :   Excellent  
Crew Service :   Excellent  
Would you recommend our liveaboard to others?   :   Yes

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Lihat Selengkapnya FAQs
Kapan waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Komodo untuk menyelam?
Kondisi cuaca di Taman Nasional Komodo baik sepanjang tahun kecuali untuk bulan Januari dan Februari karena merupakan puncak musim hujan. Berlawanan dengan kepercayaan populer, Januari dan Februari adalah waktu terbaik untuk melihat migrasi, menyelam, dan snorkeling Manta Ray bersama ratusan manta. Musim ramai adalah dari April hingga Desember. Suhu udara rata - rata berkisar antara 30° dan 32° Celsius.
Seberapa besar kelompok selam Anda?
Tanpa kesalahan, kami mempertahankan rasio 4 lawan 1 dari 4 penyelam dengan pengalaman yang sama dengan 1 panduan menyelam. Meskipun kami melakukan yang terbaik untuk kelompok penyelam yang sesuai, ada keterbatasan kemampuan kami dalam hal ini.
Apakah Anda memenuhi persyaratan diet khusus?
Komodo Sea Dragon melayani semua preferensi dan alergi makanan standar, memastikan pengalaman bersantap yang dipersonalisasi dan aman untuk setiap tamu. Harap informasikan kepada kami selama proses pemesanan.
Apakah liveaboard cocok untuk perenang snorkel?
Yes, the Komodo Sea Dragon liveaboard is highly suitable for snorkelers. It offers excellent opportunities to explore the rich marine life of Komodo National Park, and with the added benefit of a dedicated snorkeling guide, snorkelers can enjoy a safe, guided, and enriching experience in the water.

Tetap terhubung

Terhubung dengan Surga - Pelarian Impian Anda Menanti di Komodo Resort.Komunikasi super cepat dari Petugas Reservasi dan Front Office kami. Hubungi Kami Hari Ini!
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